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New PNP name programs and draw results under Alberta

2022-02-21 | Abroad Pathway Immigration | Leave a Comment

New PNP name programs and draw results under Alberta

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney announced that the province’s immigration department would change its name and add two new immigration programs. Two days later, Alberta announced the results of the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) draw earlier this month.

On February 1, Alberta invited 400 Express Entry candidates to apply for the Alberta Express Entry stream. Express Entry candidates had to achieve a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of at least 340 to be invited to apply for a provincial nomination. If they receive the nomination, they will get 600 points added to their score and be eligible for a series of PNP Express Entry invitations.

The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program will now be called the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP), and the two new streams will be called the Rural Renewal Stream and the Rural Entrepreneur Stream.

Alberta is also changing the names of three existing entrepreneur streams:

Old Name New Name
The International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration Stream Graduate Entrepreneur Stream
Foreign Graduate Start-Up Visa Stream Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream
Self-Employed Farmer Stream Farm Stream

Eligibility criteria will not change for these existing streams.

The Alberta government says candidates who applied through the Alberta online portal must now apply for a nomination extension on the portal. If you submitted your request through the online portal and later want to request an extension, you must now submit the extension request through the portal as well. If you submitted a paper application, you can still submit a paper extension request. All other post-decision processes remain unchanged.

New program and broadcast names will be updated on the Alberta website in the coming weeks.

Prime Minister Kenney, a former federal immigration minister, made the announcement at the prime minister’s inaugural summit on fairness for newcomers. Immigration stakeholders from across Alberta came together to discuss actions to support the success of newcomers and drive economic growth in the province.

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A government press release said the new name is intended to “help promote Alberta’s reputation and benefits as an attractive place when choosing where to work and raise a family.”

The new Rural Renewal Stream and Rural Entrepreneur Stream are intended to encourage qualified and talented professionals and entrepreneurs from around the world to establish themselves in rural Alberta communities. Eligible rural communities must be outside the Calgary and Edmonton metropolitan areas and have fewer than 100,000 people as of the 2016 census.

The Rural Renewal Stream is for individuals who have a job offer from an Alberta employer to work in a designated rural Alberta community. Alberta is currently accepting applications from rural communities to participate in the Rural Renewal Stream. A limited number of communities will be selected to participate as a designated community in this program.

Rural Entrepreneur Stream is for entrepreneurs who want to start or buy an existing business in a rural Alberta community. Eligible candidates can submit an expression of interest and visit the community where they want to start their business.

taken from CIC News

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Immigrating to Canada is not as difficult as people think. With the right knowledge, research, preparation, and consultation, it is possible to make the transition to a new life in Canada. We have numerous clients who have successfully immigrated to Canada on PR Visa through the step-by-step guidance of our Expert Immigration Consultants. Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back - make the jump and start your new journey!

Yes, you can. There are many options that let you immigrate to Canada without a job offer such as express entry and provincial nominee program.

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